From the first draft to the final manuscript, I help authors brainstorm, develop, and fine-tune their writing. Do you have a great idea but no time to write? I also specialize in capturing your unique voice and helping you convey your message to the world through ghostwriting.

Editing & Proofreading

  • Developmental editing
  • Manuscript overview
  • Proofreading


  • Memoir
  • Content-driven
  • Children’s Literature


  • Sample edits
  • Phone consults
  • Partial manuscript reviews

Developmental Editing

$3,750 for 50,000 words

Also known as substantive editing, this is my most comprehensive service. I recommend developmental editing if you have a complete manuscript and you have taken your story as far as you can on your own. The goal of this process is to fine-tune your voice, clarify your story arc, and build your book into a nearly publish-ready manuscript.

Every developmental edit goes through three phases over the course of approximately 3-6 months.

  • Phase one includes big picture feedback in the form of a letter, manuscript markup, and in-line comments. I offer insight and suggestions from page one to the final sentence. Once I’ve returned the manuscript, we schedule a follow-up phone call to review my notes and answer any questions you have. The manuscript is then in your hands to make necessary changes, rewrite passages, or further develop your story.
  • Phase two includes another round of manuscript markup and in-line comments with a specific focus on the elements discussed during phase one. Again, the manuscript is passed to you for changes (we schedule a second call if needed).
  • Phase three includes a full line edit to ensure your manuscript is clean, clear, and ready for the next step in your publication process (either proofreading and self-publication or proposal submission through an agent).

Manuscript Overview

$1,500 for 50,000 words

If you need feedback on your book but are looking for something less comprehensive than a full developmental edit, then this is for you! The manuscript overview includes a single-phase edit—in other words, it does not include the back-and-forth feedback of the developmental edit. Here is what is included:

  • Big picture feedback in the form of a letter
  • In-line comments and markups with suggestions to improve flow, clarity, and word choice
  • One follow-up phone call after you have reviewed the manuscript

*Additional reviews of the manuscript are charged at the same rate as above or $0.03/word for passages of 10,000 words or more.


Starting at $8,250 for 40,000 words

Ghostwriting is a special kind of relationship between author and writer. It is not at all the “easy way out” of writing a book. Nor is it the right solution for everyone.

When I work with authors to help write their manuscripts, my goal is two-fold: tell the author’s story using their unique voice, and guide the author in discovering their own style as a writer. In fact, I consider our partnership a success if you never need my ghostwriting services again…because you’re ready to take on the full task of writing your next manuscript.

The process for ghostwriting varies based on the project and genre, but it most often includes a lot of the following:

  • Phone/video interviews
  • Research (by both writer and author)
  • Writing, editing, and more writing
  • Regular back and forth communication regarding new passages, chapters, or ideas for manuscript development

I also work closely with authors to gather any relevant content related to the book. This includes transcripts of speeches, seminars, voice recordings, or phone calls; as well as typed letters, journal entries, publications, or emails. Each element (whether it’s an interview with the author or a 30-year-old letter) provides a deeper understanding of the author’s voice, allowing us to work together to develop a story worth sharing.

Because of the intense nature of this process, I provide a discovery call, writing sample, and full scope of work before beginning any ghostwriting projects.

Proofreading and Beta Reading

Starting at $0.005 per word

Have you ever picked up a published book and found an error in the first few pages? I have. Even New York Times bestselling novels (occasionally) sneak through the publication process with an error or two. That may not bother you, but it certainly bothers me, which is why I love offering an extra set of eyes on the finer details of your manuscript.

Beta Reading (my most affordable option) offers you the benefit of my eagle eyes on your grammar, plus my expertise as a storyteller. I’ll point out story and character inconsistencies, catch the occasional grammar and spelling mistakes, and ask questions to help you see where your readers may get lost or confused. I offer one pass of your manuscript with in-line markups and comments.

Proofreading is the final step to take when you’re ready to publish. This process takes longer than a beta read (to ensure I don’t miss a single period, comma, or quotation mark). Since you have already gone through the editing process at this point, my role is to correct any errors and make sure your manuscript is sharp, clean, and ready to print.

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